Great Topics Fest 1
"The Ship That Won't Sink!"
Landmark Conference

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An all day live-streamed landmark conference bringing together for the first time superior authorities on two of America's most revealing events, the attack upon the USS Liberty and the attack upon the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Knowing the facts about these two events will prove:

You don't want to miss this landmark conference to learn the real condition of America for you cannot defend America against its enemies if you don't know who they are and where they are.
This is a fundraiser for the speakers and their projects. The proceeds will be divided equally between them after expenses for the event have been paid. These men have worked hard and risked much to bring you these facts so please support their work and projects by watching this event and telling your friends to do the same.

Texas 9/11 Truth Groups committed to supporting THE SHIP THAT WON'T SINK landmark conference:

Out-of-state groups supporting THE SHIP THAT WONT SINK landmark conference:

Please consider supporting these Active 9/11 Truth Projects:

For Live-Stream events on September 10th and 11th go to this link:

  1. New York City 9/11 Lawyers' Committee Grand Jury Petition Monday, September 10, 2018 3:30pm Pacific * 6:30pm Eastern * 22:30 GMT duration 1.5 hours
  2. Washington DC 9/11 Truth Event in front of US Capitol Tuesday September 11, 2018 11am Pacific * 2pm Eastern * 18:00 GMT duration 2 hours
  3. San Francisco Bay Area 9/11 Truth Film Festival Tuesday September 11, 2018 3pm Pacific * 6pm Eastern * 22:00 GMT duration 7 hours

There are also individuals that are promoting THE SHIP THAT WON'T SINK and have produced their own literature and contact email addresses, and Facebook pages and such that are not directly associated with the hosts of this presentation. If you want to get in contact with the host of this event email them at TAPHOUSE@SBCGLOBAL.NET


12:00 PM LUNCH
12:55 PM: Ron Avery Opens the Event
01:00 PM: Phil Tourney, a survivor of the USS Liberty attack and Dave Gahary, a US naval submarine veteran:
Hear Phil Tourney and Dave Gahary, US Navy veterans and authors of Erasing The Liberty, recount the events of June 8, 1967 aboard the USS Liberty, the most decorated ship for any one event. Also learn why they have plans to make a full length motion picture of that traumatic victory that should live in the hearts of all Americans.
The Liberty was knowingly attacked by Israeli jet fighters and an Israeli torpedo boat and abandoned by the President of the U.S. and meant to be sunk by both parties. The Liberty received over 5,000 hits from the sustained multiple jet attack which also fired upon life rafts and sailors in the water. One torpedo strike ripped her hull open at the water line. But God intervened on that day in spite of all the designs of the powerful. Let us pray that God intervenes on behalf of America and that she remains afloat and is spared from the schemes of a global banking cartel within her who want her in the depths of slavery. & &
01:55 PM: 5 minute break Stop and Restart Live Stream
02:00 PM: Dave Gahary:
The USS Liberty has become the symbol of the American People who feel they have been abandoned by those in office and those who control the military. This is the story of a ship and crew what were used in hopes of drawing the U.S. into war on behalf of Israel in 1967. Dave and Phil host their own internet radio show called "The USS Liberty Massacre Hour" on Rense Radio Network. Dave also writes for the American Free Press and his excitement over the importance of the USS Liberty at this time in history will infect you and you won't be able to stop talking about it. Dave Gahary is a former submariner in the U.S. Navy and prevailed in a suit brought by the New York Stock Exchange in an attempt to silence him. Dave is the producer of an upcoming full-length feature film about the attack on the USS Liberty.
02:55 PM: 5 minute break Stop and Restart Live Stream
03:00 PM: Christopher Bollyn, international investigative journalist, now living in Sweden, will expose the enveloping Zionist influence in the events of 9/11/01 from his two book set, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World and Solving 9-11: The Original Articles and his third book; The War On Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East. His research reveals the names of known Zionist that were and remain in all required positions to destroy the World Trade Center, destroy the evidence, prevent an investigation, and propagate and perpetuate a false narrative about how it happened.
"I am VERY excited about a new book written by Christopher Bollyn entitled The War On Terror. I have read and reread it; and I believe this is one of the most important books written in recent memory. The book connects the dots between the 9/11 attacks and America's perpetual War on Terror....This book needs to be read by every single American. If it was read and taken to heart by enough people, this book could literally change the course of history and save our republic. The full title of the book is The War On Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East." Pastor Chuck Baldwin
04:25 PM: 5 minute break Stop and Restart Live Stream
04:50 PM: 10 minute break Stop and Restart Live Stream
05:00 PM: Mickey Paoletta of Mortgage Defense Systems, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania is an expert coach and adviser for fighting mortgage foreclosures, and credit card debt in court on the basis of the inherent fraud in the monetary and banking systems, including the rampant use of forged mortgage documents by banking, lending companies, and the legal community.
Paoletta has filed a "Kings Bench" Petition in Pennsylvania's Supreme Court to have lower courts and attorneys obey the law and stop using extrinsic fraud to obtain a summary or default judgment against homeowners in foreclosure based on forged and fraudulent foreclosure documents.
"I cannot find one case in these 50 states where the banks and debt collectors did not engage in the production of forged and fraudulent notes in order to foreclose."
05:55 PM: 5 minute break Stop and Restart Live Stream
06:00 PM: Mark Anderson, of Stop the Presses News, will speak on the "Global Cities" agenda being used by globalist to bypass the constitutional laws of nations. Mark will also talk about the need to pressure local and state police to make and publish full un-redacted crime reports on all "mass shootings" like Sandy Hook, and Douglas High School, and now Santa Fe High School, especially when used by others to alter and infringe upon 2nd Amendment.
6:55 PM: 5 minute break Stop and Restart Live Stream
07:00 PM: John Stadtmiller, of Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) in Austin, will also speak about the need to support real journalism and real media and the anti-American influence of the mainstream media. John will also make a presentation on fraudulent debt and an ethical economy.
07:55 PM: Ron Avery Closing the Event
08:00 PM: Event Over

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Ron Avery comments on the book, Erasing The Liberty by Phil Tourney and Dave Gahary.


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