New Book: Truth Threatens the "state of Israel"
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5 x 7 inches 120 pages

Title Summary:

This book uses New Testament scripture to prove that those calling themselves “Jews” and complaining of “antisemitism,” or anti-Jew-ism, are not Jews. The term Synagogan is more accurate for those that call themselves Jewish but reject the King of the Jews, Christ Jesus of Nazareth. If one rejects Christ Jesus as the son of God and savior of the world, then they are not in Christ and therefore not an heir of the promises of God to Abraham. The only insurmountable threat to the existence and defense of the “state of Israel” is the fact that these Synagogans are not Jews and not heirs of the promises of God to Abraham because they have rejected Christ Jesus of Nazareth. The “state of Israel” is the only nation in the world that is based solely upon the promises of God to Abraham. And since these people claiming Palestine as their promised land are not heirs of Abraham, the “state of Israel” cannot exist or defend itself. The church has joined in the schemes of the Synagogans to create a “superman” kingdom in the Middle East because they have denied the existence of the Kingdom of God or Heaven on earth at this time. This denies the works of Christ and has made the church impotent in the world. Both the church and synagogue should repent.

Author Profile:

Ronald F. Avery was translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, Christ Jesus of Nazareth, 49 years ago. He is an advocate of the Christian “Principles of Property” promulgated by John Locke in his Second Treatise of Government 1689. Mr. Avery has been a member of the Southern Baptist Church, United Methodist Church, and Presbyterian USA, and non-denominational Churches.

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